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FSB raids Moscow anarchists’ homes, possibly trying to mount terrorism case against imprisoned mathematician Azat Miftakhov

Source: Meduza

On Monday morning, the FSB raided the homes of several Moscow anarchists, in connection with an inquiry into the existence of a Moscow branch of Network (“Set”), a leftist political association labeled “terrorist” and banned in Russia.

In 2020, nine of the group’s activists from Penza and St. Petersburg were prosecuted and sentenced to prison terms of 5.5–18 years. Many of them claim having confessed under torture.

Several convicted members of Network were recently questioned at the Lefortovo prison in Moscow, testifying against the mathematician Azat Miftakhov, a former graduate student now serving time for breaking into a United Russia office together with other Moscow anarchists.

Miftakhov is now being investigated in connection with a hypothetical “Moscow branch” of Network. His attorney says that her client has no connection to Network or its activities.

Miftakhov’s current prison term will be over in September 2023.