Moscow court refuses to overturn Team Navalny’s ‘extremism’ designation
A Moscow court has refused an appeal against the decision to designate Alexey Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation (the FBK) as an “extremist organization” and ban its activities in Russia.
On Wednesday, August 4, RIA Novosti reported that Moscow’s First General Jurisdiction Court of Appeal had refused to overturn the extremism ruling, which was handed down by the Moscow City Court on June 9.
In addition to declaring the FBK “extremist,” the Moscow City Court also blacklisted Navalny’s Citizens’ Rights Protection Foundation and his network of regional campaign offices.
Lawyers from the now defunct human rights group Team 29 represented Team Navalny’s interests in the appeal hearing. Earlier, former Team 29 head, prominent lawyer Ivan Pavlov, said that the appeal was 57 pages long and listed all of the serious violations committed during the proceedings.
Read more about Team 29
Pending the appeal, the Moscow City Court’s decision on designating Navalny’s organizations as “extremist” had yet to enter into force. The ban on their activities had immediate effect.
The FBK and Navalny’s other organizations were recognized as “extremist” following a complaint from Moscow prosecutors. The trial took place behind closed doors, allegedly due to the fact that some of the case materials were classified.
Read more about the ‘extremism’ ruling
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