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Hang in there, Tanya. An editorial from Meduza

Source: Meduza

On October 23, someone armed with a knife attacked our colleague, Ekho Moskvy journalist Tatyana Felgenhauer, wounding her in the neck. The attack took place right in Ekho’s radio station, in the studio’s guestroom. Doctors treating Tanya say her life isn’t in danger, but her condition is serious.

Like anyone working in the news, we’re accustomed to reading and writing every day about horrible things. Many journalists know that time takes its toll on reporters, and your ability to experience deeply each terrible event starts to fade; there are just too many, and feelings can interfere with your work. This defense mechanism often fails, however, and it’s failed with today’s attack. Tanya is more than our colleague and she’s more than one of Russia’s best-known and most accomplished journalists: she’s also a dear friend to Meduza.

We wish Tanya a speedy recovery — both physically and, if possible, psychologically. And we’re wishing strength and perseverance to everyone at Ekho who endures death threats on the air, in online comments, and in messages. And we have a message of our own for the people behind the crude propaganda that’s aired on TV in Russia, portraying the Ekho’s staff (especially Tanya) as traitors and enemies of the people: do us all a favor and go find some other work.

Tanya, we hope you return very soon to the airwaves.

Meduza editorial